Workshop : lär dig binda Mandalas!

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Vår underbara medlem Ximena håller kvinnocirkel med fokus på att binda MANDALAS. Såhär beskriver hon eventet :

Women circle: weaving mandalas ”ojos de Dios”

In this opportunity we will co-create a Women circle, we will follow an old woman tradition to gather in a safe place to heal together, to explore and share our truth.
In this women circle we will explore our inner colors and in a peaceful, colorful, creative and meditative processes we will discover what our inner colors are telling us about ourselves.
We will share the old Huichol’s tradition of weaving protection symbols in a mandala form ”ojo de Dios” (eyes of God).
No experience is necessary. Capacity 15 places. Fortsätt läsa Workshop : lär dig binda Mandalas!